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Germany, a big Online Games market
The August 16, 2023, By CasinosTopNewsContrary to Italy and France whose online games market is from now on regularized, Germany still did not decide on this subject. However, it should not be long in making its decision, because of the important amount of Germans who are playing and spending this money without the State perceives one euro of it.

In Germany, the operators of sites of online games propose freely their services, their tournaments of poker, their bets on line, without being concerned with German justice. In spite of the prohibition of Interstate Gambling Treaty relative to any form of money games or bets on line, in 16 Länder German, the operators continue to propose their services without being concerned with possible consequences.
This current situation in Germany reminds exactly what happened in France before the new the law was activated on the French market and occurs face to illegal web online games web sites. Indeed, in France, the State had prevented the illegal sites of online games but without ever giving real sanctions, until ARJEL changes the situation.
Germany may find it beneficial to take example on the changes carried out in France and Italy, as for the obligation to obtain a license for the operators of online games in order to operate legally in the country, and thus to make it possible at the State to perceive a share of the incomes relative to this market.